Tips For Teens: 5 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer In Your Community

As a teen, it’s common to feel uncertain about your future or worry you lack skills for adulthood. With so much emphasis on doing well in school and getting your first job, it can be easy to overlook the incredible value of volunteering. In fact, in 2021, only 23% of Americans aged 16 and over volunteered through an organization, according to the United States Census Bureau.


Volunteering gives teens (and even adults!) a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience and develop important skills while making a positive impact on the world — along with many other benefits. Here are 5 reasons why you should volunteer in your community:

Improve your health and well-being

Volunteering is a great way to reduce stress, boost your mood, and combat depression. That’s because focusing on helping other people can build self-esteem and take your mind off your own worries. Plus, knowing you’re making a tangible difference in the lives of others and in your community gives you a feeling of accomplishment.


Volunteering can also help foster a sense of purpose, which is an important part of improving your mental health. Choose a cause or organization you’re passionate about so your efforts feel more meaningful and rewarding. For example, if you care about the environment, try volunteering for a conservation group; if you want to help the homeless, volunteer at a soup kitchen. 


Research from the Journal of Happiness Studies found that people who volunteer are happier and more satisfied with their lives than people who don’t. Reduced stress, increased self-esteem, and a stronger sense of purpose contribute to a healthier, happier you.

Make friends and expand your network

When you volunteer to help with a cause you’re passionate about, you have the opportunity to meet people who share your interests and values. Volunteering allows you to connect with people from different backgrounds and walks of life, helping you expand your social network beyond your school.


By meeting new people, you not only gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives, but also form connections with people who can provide support, mentorship, and opportunities you may not otherwise have. Working with like-minded people toward a common goal is a great way to form strong bonds and build community.

Gain work and life experience

Volunteering provides practical work experience you may not be able to get in the classroom. Volunteer duties can include filing documents, handling phone calls, solving problems on the spot, and managing projects. By volunteering regularly, you learn how to manage time, work under pressure, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for any job. Plus, you can put volunteer hours on a resume or college application, showing potential employers or admissions officers you are responsible, proactive, and compassionate.


Volunteering can also help you discover new interests and career possibilities. Trying out different roles in different industries allows you to identify what you enjoy and where your strengths lie. For instance, you can volunteer at a hospital to discover if you’re interested in healthcare, or work on an election campaign to find out if you want to go into politics. Hands-on exploration is key to helping you make informed decisions about your education and career path.

Develop leadership skills

When you volunteer, you may end up taking on tasks like organizing events, leading teams, or managing projects. These experiences can teach you how to make important decisions, motivate others, and handle challenges, allowing you to develop your leadership skills.


By stepping up and leading initiatives, you improve your ability to guide and inspire others. Volunteering prepares you for future leadership roles while also helping you grow into a more responsible, thoughtful, and well-rounded person.

Make a difference in your community

One of the most rewarding parts of volunteering is the impact you make on your community. When you dedicate time and effort to local causes, you contribute to positive change that directly benefits those around you.


Whether you’re mentoring younger students, spending time at an animal shelter, assisting with a food drive, or volunteering another way, your efforts help address important local issues. By volunteering, you become part of building a better, more vibrant community for everyone.

Volunteering is a powerful way to make a difference in your community and in your own life. By getting involved in local causes, you grow as a person, gaining skills and experiences that will help you build a great future. Find a cause you care about, and start making an impact today!

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