Breakdancing Moves: How To Do A Shoulder Freeze

Looking for a non-traditional way to get active? Try Breakdancing!


In this video tutorial, Adrian breaks down How To Do A Shoulder Freeze.


This is a great way to end your breakdancing routine with some style. Hold this freeze at the end of your sequence and bask in breakdancing glory!


About the Breakdancing Series:


Breakdancing is a great way to keep your body moving in a fun and unique way. Never breakdanced before? No problem! In our Breakdancing Series, Adrian breaks down moves into simple, easy to understand steps.


Check out these other Breakdancing video tutorials:



Some breakdancing tips:


  • Make sure you’re dancing in an open-space area (give yourself plenty of room)
  • If you’re going to breakdance outside, you can lay down some cardboard on top of concrete to dance safely and smoothly
  • Take it slow, drink water, and have fun!


Love breakdancing? Send us a video or pictures of your moves to, upload to social media using #virtualbgc, or comment below!


Have fun!

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